Lately there are some questions about the AddUserToGroup and RemoveUserFromGroup functions of the SPServices library.
Here some examples:
$().SPServices({ operation: "AddUserToGroup", groupName: "<groupname>", userName: "<displayname of the user>", userLoginName: "<domain>\\<loginname>", userEmail: "<emailaddress of the user>", userNotes: "<note to add>" });
Replace <groupname>, <displayname of the user>, <domain>, <loginname>, <emailaddress of the user> and <note to add> with yours, without the < and >.
$().SPServices({ operation: "RemoveUserFromGroup", groupName: "<groupname>", userLoginName: "<domain>\\<loginname>" });
Replace <groupname>, <domain> and <loginname> with yours, without the < and >.
Pingback: Tweets die vermelden SPServices AddUserToGroup RemoveUserFromGroup --
Thank you very much It really helped me.can you please tel from where that details can I get.Because sometime I need some other functions details as like too.